Our Digital Wholesale Network is a service that allows wholesalers to sell their digital products through api. We use a third party to connect with wholesalers & developers all over the world. This connection provides the ability for customers to pay lower prices for digital products. Digjy does not provide inventory for any digital product through our Digital Wholesale Network / Service nor holds any inventory prior to sale. All digital products are provided by the wholesaler via third party and delivered to the customer via api after purchase. Digjy does not determine the price nor profit from the cost of the digital product provided on our Digital Wholesale Network / Service. The profit of the digital product is paid to the third party & wholesaler directly via api. Digjy charges a separate marketplace fee to all customers for using our service. We’ve done extensive research on the third party that connects us to wholesalers / developers all over the world based on reputation, years of operation, terms of their service and so forth. However, we can not always guarantee the integrity of the wholesaler or third party provider but don’t worry, Digjy has you covered! We have no tolerance for fraudulent acts at all. We will help protect Customers, Developers and Companies against fraudulent acts done on Digjy upon notice such as not delivering digital product after purchase, providing false information, copyright infringement, etc. 
